You might want to pick up extra Sunday newspapers on June 6th, 2010. Proctor and Gamble (P&G) will have over $100 worth of coupons of their branded products in the upcoming Sunday advertising inserts.
P&G will have coupons for beauty, grooming, dental products, and home care products with most coupons expiring around July 31, 2010. The brands include Pantene, Gillette, Crest, Old Spice, Venus, Dawn and PUR water filters.
In addition to the P&G coupons, there will be other ad inserts as well. The June 6th ads should be a little bit more than an average week.
If you clip grocery store coupons, and you use them strategically you can sometimes get products for next to free or at little cost. If you are organized and plan you grocery coupon shopping strategically you can easily save hundreds of dollars each year -- just look at my pics!